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Graveney School

STEM Workshop Challenge

The Royal Institute for Chartered Surveyors (RICS) led a STEM workshop to 180 of our Year 9 students over two sessions this week.
In teams, students were given the challenge of siting, costing and building a new community centre given budget constraints and environmental factors. They took on the role of projects managers, building engineers and quantity surveyors to complete the tasks involved given some very tight deadlines.

Students pondered over a range of ideas and decisions about the kind of building, how it would serve its community, the cost of bricks (48p each), contingency plans and how to deal with the discovery of the protected great crested newt on the site (cost of moving a newt: £40K).

Our students got really involved, enjoyed the sessions and a whole new range of career possibilities were explored.

Thanks to Ms Lloyd Rogers for organising this thought provoking and engaging event.