Jack Petchey Award Winners
We’re delighted to announce that five of our students have won a Jack Petchy award, and were presented with this at a special awards ceremony, with their families which took place on Wednesday night.
The Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme is a partnership scheme with schools, where schools nominate young people who they believe should be celebrated for their achievements. The award also includes a grant award to each school with a sum of money, where the winners get to decide how the money is spent within the school. We’re delighted to announce that the following students have won an award and four of them were able to attend a special awards ceremony with their families this week.
Nevaeh 8N, for her achievements in Taekwondo. She has competed nationally and internally, consistently winning Gold and Silver medal positions.
Renae 8J, for her exemplary attitude to learning and her achievements in dance, which have included performing in a Dorking panto three years in a row.
Suraya 10S, for her extensive extra curricular achievements including in mixed martial arts and jiu-jitsu, playing for Balham FC and performing with Dance Shack in Colliers Wood in street dance and musical theatre.
Alyssia-Mae 10N, for her sporting achievements including her successes with Brighton & Hove Albion FC over the last 4 years, wnning league competitions, although missing a tour in Iceland if not for an ACL injury. She is a fierce competitor and a shining example of sporting excellence.
Jasmine 10Q, for her achievements in athletics at school, club, region and country, even winning the U15 Pentathlon event for the South of England.
Danish 9H Danish is a hardworking student who has a passion for playing squash. He plays regularly at a club in Wimbledon, where he also helps train and motivate younger players. He is a fierce competitor and won the London Youth Games competition this year. This award is a recognition of his efforts.